Calling all our queer babes!
We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it!
- Standard sex education typically lacks inclusivity – and that SUCKS. Failure to address young people’s identities, behaviours and experiences results in misinformation and sucky health outcomes. What we mean is that identities, behaviours and experiences beyond being heterosexual need to be included!
- When sex ed isn’t inclusive, it can (and does) mean that LGBTQIA+ young people may lack the skills and resources to have safer sex and foster healthy relationships. For example, queer young people may not be aware that they still need to use barrier methods and get STI tests.
- What also gets missed out of sex ed is that some people experience no sexual or romantic attraction and that’s totally cool! It might mean you are asexual! BUT asexuality is a spectrum and means different things to different people. Which is essentially the same thing for all queer people-we get to define what it means to us!
- Our goal is to address all the disparities around sexual health, for everyone, and that means education = empowerment. When it comes to inclusive sexual health we’ve got you covered!
Helpful Resources and Supports from our friends and networks:
Asexual Visibility Network A place for asexual info, research and community! They have lots of info in what being asexual might mean for different people!
Black Rainbow A national volunteer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQIA+SB social enterprise in the pursuit of positive health and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Sistergirl and Brotherboys (LGBTQIA+SB).
Breaking the Silence Research providing insights into the lived experiences of WA Aboriginal/LGBTQIA+ people.
EmbraceU | SHQ An inclusive space providing sexual health and blood-borne virus information for the trans, gender diverse & non-binary community in Western Australia.
Freedom Centre A holistic support service for LGBTQIA+ young people.
Legal Aid Fact Sheets | Youth Pride Network Accurate and comprehensive legal fact sheets on the subjects of discrimination, transgender health rights, and international human rights.
MClinic Supporting the sexual health of men who have sex with men, and all trans people & non-binary people in Perth.
Me & My Doctor | Youth Pride Network Understanding and navigating your health rights as an LGBTQIA+ young person.
QLife Anonymous LGBTQIA+ peer phone and webchat support and referral information for individuals, their friends and families, and health professionals in Australia.
Safe Spaces | Youth Pride Network Places in Western Australia that are safe social and support spaces for LGBTQIA+ young people
Transfolk of WA A peer support service for transgender people and their loved ones in Western Australia.
Trans Hub A digital information and resource platform for all trans and gender diverse people in NSW, our loved ones, allies and health providers.
Walkern Katatdjin A national research project that aims to understand and promote the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Asexual + young people, and to work with services to develop appropriate interventions. You can view a webinar about the project and its outcomes, hosted by AHCWA here.