It isn’t sex, but it’s the next best thing.
The words of Bo Burnham will continue to ring true, sexting is the sending and receiving sexually explicit content digitally, and it can be both intimate and a lot of fun.
But first, we need to be very clear.
The asking, keeping, sending or receiving of sexually explicit content of or with anyone under the age of 18 in Australia is a criminal offence, (even if it’s of yourself and you don’t plan to share it).
Reducing harm by talking about it
All this legal stuff being said – we know sexting happens with people under the age of 18 and over the age of 18. Just like saying “don’t have sex” doesn’t stop pregnancies, telling you “just don’t sext” doesn’t stop sexting. We know many of you will do it anyway.
So, our message is if you’re going to sext, you need to know how to do it in the safest way possible. And when done safely and consensually, like many things sexual, it can be very fulfilling and satisfying.
But once more for the people in the back, keeping, sending, receiving, asking and especially distributing nudes of individuals under the age of 18 is a criminal offenceeven if its of yourself and sharing nudes of anyone regardless of age without their consent is also a serious and punishable offence. We need you to know that.
Now. If you are still interested in sexting, please read our resources below so you are informed and aware of how to do it safely and securely to protect yourself and others.