YEP Guidelines: A planning framework and strategies for the youth sector to promote sexual health issues and deliver SHBBV programs
YACWA’s YEP Project has a vision for the WA youth sector to view sexual health and blood-borne virus issues as priority issues that are integral to young people’s development and wellbeing, and that are integrated in everyday youth work practice – we hope that these Guidelines support the youth sector working toward this vision.
The YEP Project Youth Sector Guidelines support community capacity building for youth sexual health and blood-borne virus (SHBBV) issues. The Guidelines are in response to a series of focus groups with 110 youth sector staff in which the sector identified a range of barriers to youth SHBBV promotion and expressed the need for youth-sector specific guidelines to support improved service delivery with young people.
Download the YEP Youth Sector Guidelines
The purpose of the guidelines is to help youth workers plan WHAT to do, which compliments the blog which provides practical support on HOW to implement strategies.
There are 17 YEP Guidelines, framed around six outcome areas:
- Supportive contexts
- Youth participation
- Workforce development
- Organisational management
- Education for young people
- Access to resources and services.
Each of the guidelines include a number of suggested strategies that can be implemented to achieve the various outcomes. For example, under the outcome “Education with young people” is guideline 13 “Increase delivery of SHBBV peer based education programs with young people” and includes strategies on small group workshops, and peer education programs.
Organisations interested in implementing any number of the guidelines can seek advice and assistance from the YEP Project staff by emailing yep@yacwa.org.au and are asked to also let us know which guidelines they have implemented using the evaluation checklist.