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STI and BBV Testing

It’s much easier than a math test.

Regular STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) and BBV (Blood-Borne Virus) testing is crucial for living a safe and healthy sexual life. However, we get that for some of you it can be intimidating to get tested at first, and confusing about what happens and where to get it done.

There might not be symptoms

The most important thing to know about STIs and BBVs is that they often have no symptoms you can see or feel. You can’t just look at yourself or someone else and know for sure if they have an STI or not. This is why testing is so important – you could have an STI, and be infectious, and not know it! STIs are super common and there’s no shame in it. See it like getting tested and treated for any other virus or infection, going to the doctor or nurse for an STI is just another part of looking after your health.

If you’re scared to get tested…

  • Fear not, the process isn’t anywhere near as scary as you may think it is.
  • Firstly, you can bring a support person such as a friend.
  • It’s actually quite quick and many tests only need a swab (like a cotton bud) that you can do yourself or pee in a cup.
  • There is not just one test method for all the STIs, so its important to be honest with your health provider about the kinds of sex you have so they know what method to test you with (what to test you for).
  • For example, if you require syphilis or a blood-borne virus test, this is done by taking a blood sample.
  • Whilst getting a full test is ideal for your health, we understand you may not want to do certain methods of testing – and you should know you always have the right to say no I don’t want you to do that kind of a test, or ask if there’s a way for you to do it yourself in private.
  • If you’ve never done an STI test before all this info can feel overwhelming, but our crew is here to show you what the process is like. Read or watch our many resources below to learn more about STI testing, what it’s like, why it’s important, and where to get tested. Check out our referral resource to see what locations near you offer STI testing!

Useful resources

BBV Testing

Target audience:Everyone

There is no 'One STI Test that Detects Them All'

Target audience:Everyone

Wanting to Hook Up Safely with your ISO buddy?

Target audience:Everyone

What you need to know about getting an STI test

Target audience:Everyone

Hepatitis WA: Hepatitis C Testing – Knowing is the First Step

Target audience:Everyone

“teSTIng, teSTIng, ABC” – Sarah Grant, WASUA

Target audience:Everyone

Where to get an STI test in Boorloo/ Perth and Wangjatja Country / Kalgoorlie

YEP Project & SHQ: How to get an STI Test

What’s This Then? (Skit)

Peer Based Harm Reduction Tour (BBV series)

Hepatitis WA

headspace Mandurah Sexual Health Clinic Walkthrough

headspace Mandurah Sexual Health Clinic Interview

Women’s Health and Family Services Tour

The YEP crew visits Merredin Medical Centre

Not us filming in the work bathroom 👁️👄👁️

Getting Tested at M Clinic

YEP’s Youth Friendly Sexual Health Services Referral Guide

Syphilis: YEP Interviews M Clinic FULL VIDEO

Doing an STI Test at Home – via ‘Get the Facts’ Website

How to get an STI Test at M-Clinic Perth

Socially Distant STI Test – at SHQ

How to do a Home HIV Test

How to find our Referral Resource

HepatitisWA Tour (BBV series)

POV: Leaving the testing clinic after getting blood tests for BBVs

@theyepproject #SociallyDistantSTITesting #sti #free #gettested #fyp #livingtogether #heapsgood #foryou #quarantine ♬ Laxed - Jawsh 685

@theyepproject You can get a HIV test sent to your house! #gettested #yacwa #hiv #aids #hometestkit #getchecked #perth #coronavirus #westernaustralia ♬ Roses (Imanbek Remix) - SAINt JHN

@theyepproject #socialdistancing #sociallydistantstitesting #westernaustralia #perth #aussielife #boredathome #selfcare #coronavirus #covid19 #queer #trans ♬ original sound - The YEP Project

@theyepproject ♬ griffins uncomfortable - Kay

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