Do you have a favourite condom brand? Maybe one you buy every time out of habit, or whatever’s cheapest? It might not seem like a big deal, but it’s worth thinking about which condoms you are buying, because there’s actually some pretty big differences between them.
HERO condoms are an emerging brand in Australia leading the way in responsible condom manufacturing. Founded in 2012, HERO’s mission is to to help people enjoy sex in a safe, socially responsible and environmentally friendly way, so let’s look at some of the reasons why you should buy these condoms!
HERO’s main project is called 1 for 1 – for every condom sold in Australia, a condom is donated in a developing country to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and save lives. Botswana is the country with the highest rates of HIV in the world, and is one of the main targets in this program. Almost 40% of Botswana’s adult population is infected with HIV, and the average life expectancy has just fallen below 40 years for the first time since 1950. HERO donated over 2 million condoms to Botswana in 2016, as well as being involved in various AIDS service organisations.
HERO also use a sustainable manufacturing process when making their condoms, minimising effects on the environment. The condoms and lube are vegan, and no, this doesn’t mean you can eat them… It just means that they don’t contain any animal products or by-products and have not been tested on animals, unlike many of the main brands.
Finally, HERO promotes positive messages around safe sex and sexuality. They have heaps of cool blogs on their website about this stuff. They have also designed female-focused packaging and values, and don’t engage in sexist and misogynistic advertising. In fact, they have even called out other brands such as Durex on violent, sexist ads. As they say, sex sells, but sexism shouldn’t. An added bonus is that the packaging is made from recycled materials.
This is not a sponsored article and I am not affiliated with HERO. I’m not trying to make anyone buy HERO condoms necessarily, as there are other good options out there, but I’d just like to encourage you to think about some of these things when you’re buying condoms!